Don’t know what he’s doing or military heads but he did make a promise to go after terrorists. During Obama there were a lot of disasters for our military. Still you won’t stop terrorism from afar when their leaders military can’t create a rule of law and people have no where to turn nor a means to support themselves except for joining these groups. They’re not raised with moral standards just bullying thuggery and terrorism and since 2000s have been creating a lifestyle.
A woman here, a refugee spoke about their war on women along with the war on his or anyone who doesn’t surrender to them. They’re breeding by force which even intimidate men because they know they will be killed if they don’t go along. They live in fear. She spoke of the terrorist groups coming down from the mountains and taking not asking brides, some as young as 10. So there hostages amongst them. If they don’t go along with them the familys killed. She spoke of one woman who escaped so the guy went after her mother. They have them so fearful they will kill their own daughter to save the rest of the family. I think Europe is giving them a feeling of empowerment just feeding the fire. I can see true refugees nd christians being made to believe there here too and Theres no where to run. We even feel that way sometmes so can imagine how they feel.
Trump initally tried to block them from coming here but we have brain dead Lib Judges aiding and abetting the enemy.