I do agree with your noticing tax absorbing wages don’t go down with everyone else. They create lower wages higher taxes and prices don’t drop much as businesses profit at producers expense.
I kinda disagree with your labor ideas in county’s without looking at the profits of such companies. If a new car cost the same in one county as next the pay for those making them shouldn’t be different.
In Calif people move here not just for the weather they move here because of wages from lower paying states or county’s. That causes over crowding and higher costs. Migrants follow the money. Because of migrants getting aid it also raises taxes plus housing due to supply and demand. People should get paid similar across the board like Gov workers do pretty much. If medicare and private insurance is paid about the same county to county why should a nurse make less for the same work from one county to the next.
I knew Mexican nurses who would come here 6 months out of the year sharing apts and working 6-7 days a week through nursing registries then go back home for 6 months living off the higher wages they got here but could afford to pay for a big house there and only work 6 months a year. They could keep going knowing they’d get six months off. With the tightening of heath care the registry jobs dried up and many closed up. I even worked the registry for awhile on my days off mostly the jail and once was told the news outside because someone from Africa started up a registry and was hiring non nurses and was arrested. Turned out the nurse replacing me and others at my real job wasn’t real nurses we suspected and turned out they weren’t. Another one who was hiring the Mexicans from Texas got greedy and started hiring non nurses too so they went after her but she got word and left town and the real nurses got shafted of their pay who worked there. I worked with a American co. but even they closed down. Then hospitals started lowering their wages.
Pay should equal the job or skill, not saying a hamburger wrapper should get paid as much as one with a skill level but a living wage because if Mac Donald’s charges the same everywhere so should the pay.
I remember when in Georgia in 2000 calling a few places to check nursing wages. Was shocked to see how low it was. They argued lower cost but didn’t fit the skill level as you could almost do something less skill for about the same pay. You’d have to work two jobs meaning your like Shaira worth half women discrimination. I thought if I would buy a home there Id have to work in Calif like the Texans were doing.
Now people from Texas and Florida are seeing a influx which my be good initially but at some point they’ll max out or get some tax happy politician and rinse repeat somewhere else.
As far as taxes yes they should go down and thus costs should go down. With growing tax absorbing jobs I can’t see them doing that. We can start by cutting those jobs giving them back to states. Why should we have to pay for TSA when airlines can hire their own security. We know it has to do more with hunting money. So the few bucks they make cost us much more and adding to the deficit they never pay just use it as a excuse.
I remember years ago a guy asking anyone how to get 200k of gold to Australia trying to by pass taxes for leaving the country. All they hunt and steal and still the deficit keeps growing.
Mr Copper
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