Trump Considers Afghanistan Army Surge
One thing you should know as a surfer is patterns in the waves. They can come in threes or more consecutively 3-5-7 then a small break before new set comes in maybe not it. Same order and to just observe. Your best bet is taking the last so if you get thrown off or have to jump you don’t have another on immediately on you forcing you back down. Last wave many times the biggest too. Kinda like surfing lol but gold doesn’t have clear patterns. Too many objects in the water. What I did notice it does seem to come in three peaks on way up most the time. DOW seemed to consolodate and move up or broke out in most sectors except ours and oil. For how long who knows. PMS might still be in a long term move up so far but now it’s being pushed down with dollar bias. I wonder if at some point if those who base moves on the dollar might get fooled down the road. Guess if your looking for a road trip and break away from watching the crashing waves that would be good although gas still not that cheap and they like to tax things in calif. while saying how prosperous they are.. Who’s they.. The Government?
Maya @ 4:11
The Full Moon is falling in everyone’s Scorpio house, Maya. If it is affecting you emotionally then it is probably forming an aspect with a natal planet. Whenever our emotions are affected the alchemical antidote is to think red. In any case, a Full Moon usually brings something to fruition within 30 days according to the house in which it falls.
ETA: Let me amend the above statement…if the emotion is domestic upset, think red…or go to a gym and workout. If the emotion is anger (or irritability), think green…or take care of someone or something (pet, plant).
Many thanks for those lovely cups of tea…and my hat’s off to your genius move with Bitcoin.
deer79 @ 10:35
They’re not getting my shares either. Screw em!
With a giant grain of salt …
A Sovereign is After Physical Silver, “Looks Like the COMEX Is Being RAIDED” – Harvey Organ
For 6 consecutive days, the amount standing for physical has risen. On First day notice 16.8 million oz were standing. Tonight 21.5 million oz. It sure looks like a sovereign is after physical silver and the comex is the place being raided.
16% spread on eagles over at CO Gold
I recall it going as high as 24% a few years ago. So were not there yet
$18.75 a coin below $50,000 and liver at $16.12 an ounce
No mas
I’ve always tried to trade these so called ” markets” and this board has been invaluable to sharing insights that would normally be extremely helpful. But I’m giving up trying to trade anymore. In my humble opinion, the Cartel is hiding horrible economic conditions by controlling everything with algorithms. We truly live in an economic Matrix world. I wish I could get rid of my worthless pm stock holdings, but I’ll let ’em ride to zero.
David Stockman …Former Reagan Administration Official Is Warning Of A Financial Collapse Some Time ‘Between August And November’
“The market is pricing itself for perfection for all of eternity. This is crazy. . . . I think the market could easily drop to 1,600 or 1,300. It could drop by 40% or even more once the fantasy ends. When the government shows its true colors, that it’s headed for a fiscal blood bath when this crazy notion that there is going to be some Trump fiscal stimulus is put to rest once and for all. I mean it’s not going to happen. They can’t pass a tax cut that big without a budget resolution that incorporated $10 trillion or $15 trillion in debt over the next decade. It’s just not going to pass Congress. . . . I think this is the greatest sucker’s rally we have ever seen.”
Richard640 @ 9:52 The State of Befuddlement.
I wish I knew then, what I know now. I would have had a better answer for my 4 year old daughter when she asked, ” How high is the sky?” Today, my answer would be ” As High as the DOW baby, that’s how high.”
I have to keep reminding myself, over and over, that it is not my job to discover how everything works. I just have to ride the wave. I should probably sign up for some surf lessons from Goldilocks.
Good luck with the JDST buy, hard to see you getting hurt too much with it and you might even hit another home run if the boys can get a waterfall decline going.
As R640 mentioned, these pm rallies can come out of the blue for no reason. OTOH, so can the waterfall declines. Seems like the odds of a big decline are tilted in your favor.
It’s amazing that the SM is now completely bulletproof, there was a time when a declining oil price may have given the SM some jitters. Those times are long gone.
Hi, gang…The way I see it is this gosh dang stock market just won’t go down! That breeds complacency. Ditto interest rates-they just
won’t go up in any significant way–then there’s EARL=plenty of supply and prices still low…of course this staged calm surface is all B.S. But it probably keeps the needed non-gold-bugs from chasing PMs & starting a solid bull run.
Then, there is the always present SLIME & their suppression
That said, all PM rallies just start–to everyones surprise & on NO news–and keep on going to the point where there just seems to be no downside in gold..
Thanks For The Reply Buygold,
I have learned to check my thoughts with others when I cant seem to make heads or tails out of something. Your take seems to be what I am coming up with, AND tomorrow is Da Fed speak. Which of course usually means propping up the Dow, and slapping PM’s around the day before.
Taking a chance with some extra JDST this morning. More than one way to skin a cat. 🙂
Morning Farmboy
Well, I suppose if you had asked me that question yesterday at the close I would have said that based on the miners performance we might have had a chance to be higher today.
As usual though, there are no indicators that hint where the next move might be and the pm sector continues to make a fool out of me.
So today? I’d guess your downside bias is spot on. If the USD is up we will for sure be down – that seems to be the only working correlation. OTOH, I still think we’re lucky not to be down more considering the USD is up around 1% the last couple of days.
As for the shares, I think the scum has to take out 180-185 HUI which has held for months. If the do, we should probably look out below.
Lastly, the scum has been pressing their short bets and raids for weeks. They don’t seem to be getting as much bang for their buck as they used to, although who the hell knows what would happen if the SM was moving lower.
So there you have it, my long winded speculation of nothing…. 🙂
Good Morning Buygold, Any Thoughts On How We End Today?
I have no idea, no sense, cant make any sense, out of the action in Gold & Silver at the present. If I had to pick a direction, I’m guessing downward bias just on the rise in the dollar. You have any insights ?
At this moment I think I will just add a few more JDST sand bags around the fox hole and just wait it out. Somethings got to give shortly. Perhaps the miners will show us the way ?
Thanks for the round of coffee Maya
Seems you might be buying for awhile. 🙂
$1700 Bitcoin? – never saw that coming – geesh.
Looks like more USD strength today. I guess that would make sense if China is having some type of currency/commodity meltdown, or one’s on the way?
Still, not sure how many days in a row now we’ve had a flat/down open. It seems like a lot though.
Those leaves don’t work that way Maya
I think you must use decarboxylation first…check out Ardent. lol
Take A Bow Maya, Good Job ! “Bitcoin soars above $1,700 as market cap adds $1 billion in just 24 hours
“Bitcoin has been rallying hard significantly in recent weeks. Over one month, the price has increased by 43 percent, according to Coindesk figures. Over one year, the market capitalization for bitcoin has increased massively, from around $7.16 billion in May 2016 to $27.9 billion today. In just the last 24 hours its market capitalization has risen by over $1 billion, according to the website’s price index.”
This full moon Wednesday is occurring in my house of Scorpio. I wonder if that is why I am feeling irritable? I may have to disappear for a few days to howl at the moon.
Farmboy & Buygold
So I suppose I have to buy a round for the house..
Well, well, well, it seems Wheaton river (GG take over from Guistra and Teflon Telfor) has flowed to a new gold…
My gold is low and they are all high…