Here is my e-mail–contact me and I will give u the details–also my phone number–I always recommend this 5 day modified-fsst for 5 days–then if a person gets a dramatic outcome, they can decide if they want to commit to a more comprehensive lifestyle change.
Sherry A. Rogers, M.D.
Macrobiotics: a major tool to heal the impossible
I had over 20 diagnoses for which there still to this day are no known causes and no known cures in medicine. So I figured the first place to start would be to see what folks had used who claimed they had cured their own cancers. When I read Elaine Nussbaum’s story, Recovery From Cancer, I then investigated her and many other people who had claimed the same. She is very well today 23 years after her metastatic cancer, against which medicine was totally powerless.
The next step was to see what macrobiotics could do for me. I was dependent upon eleven allergy injections a week for years for migraines, asthma, chronic sinusitis, brain fog, and eczema, triggered by many pollens, dust, molds, foods and chemicals. As well, I had colitis, arthritis, unwarranted depression, exhaustion, and a recent onset of a uselessly painful right shoulder which baffled orthopedic specialists. I couldn’t even raise my arm to brush my hair or pick up a medical chart for six months. Within one month of the strict phase macrobiotic diet, as I described in detail in The Cure Is In the Kitchen, I was windsurfing in the Caribbean, because my shoulder was cured. As well, I’ve never had or needed another allergy injection. But what macrobiotics did for me is a drop in the bucket, compared with what I saw with hundreds of my patients. I saw people turn on and off like a switch such conditions as multiple sclerosis, severe chemical sensitivities, multiple myeloma and other cancers and conditions. Sherry A Rogers, M.D., a Diplomate of the American Board of Family Practice, a Fellow of the American College of Allergy and Immunology and a Diplomate of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, has been in private practice for over 26 years. She is a lecturer of yearly original scientific material, as well as advanced courses for physicians. She was the keynote speaker for the international symposium Indoor Air Quality 86 in which she described the office method for testing chemical sensitivities. She developed the Formaldehyde Spot Test and published her mold research in three volumes of the ANNALS Of ALLERGY. She has published chemical testing methods in the National Institutes of Health journal, ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES. She has published 17 scientific articles, 10 books, and was the environmental medicine editor for INTERNAL MEDICINE WORLD REPORT. Medical researchers now have conclusively shown that 95% of all disease, including cancer has only two major causes: diet and environment. We’re the first generation of man to have ever eaten so many processed foods low in nutrients. As well we are the first generation to ever tank up on so many chemicals in our air, food, and water. As a result, the work of detoxifying this enormous, yet hidden load, causes the loss of even further nutrients. As well, government EPA studies show that 100% of U.S. humans harbor in their bodies PCBs, dioxins, volatile organic hydrocarbons, pesticides, heavy metals and other chemicals, most all of which are potent triggers to cancers. The load is so heavy now that when I was in medical school 35 years ago cancer was rare, the 10th cause of death. Now it is the number two disease to cause death in adults and number one for children ages 1-15. If that doesn’t give us a wake-up call that we have done something very nasty to the environment, then I guess nothing will. As a result, we have found that as healing as the macrobiotic diet is, many people are too polluted and nutrient-depleted to heal with just the macrobiotic diet alone. As we described in Detoxify Or Die, we show folks how to determine their levels of vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and correct them. As well, how to determine their levels of toxicity and get the disease-promoting chemicals out of the body. The beauty is that the combination of the macrobiotic diet, nutritional correction and reversing the level of toxicity has enabled people to heal the impossible. And if they are just plain well, it’s the closest thing to the fountain of youth that we can attain, for it restores our levels of health back to where they were decades prior and in fact most are even better. Thank you for the opportunity to bring this information to folks. I’ve been practicing medicine for 33 years and also offer phone consultations to folks who want guidance through the maze of options. I know that many people are unnecessarily suffering. They haven’t a clue that they possess the major control over their health destiny. |