Maduro is manure….He belongs in the sewer…. The guy is in deep shit…Pee Yew !
Venezuelan protesters have begun pelting government police with POOP bombs
Friday, May 12, 2017 by: Frances Bloomfield
(Natural News) As confrontations between anti-government demonstrators and Venezuelan police continue, protesters have turned to more unorthodox ways of revolting. From street marches decrying the regime of President Nicolas Maduro to visibility-blocking paint bombs, the National Guard and Bolivarian National Police must now contend with protesters hurling “Poopootov cocktails”. Similar to Molotov cocktails, these homemade weapons are essentially plastic bottles filled with human and animal feces mixed with water.
According to Spanish publication, the first-recorded use of “Poopootov cocktails” was at an encounter in the city of Los Teques in the earliest part of May. National Guard officers posted in the capital of Miranda were bombarded with excrement, with several members of the police force allegedly vomiting from disgust.…ith-poop-bombs.html