Seriously, if it was not for the creation of those ‘Evil ETF’s’ I would not touch trading with a 100 foot pole. Thus far, having the ability to ‘balance’ my trading account on a daily basis, is the Game Changer for me. I lost $300 today, instead of $3,000. After 15 years on and off of trading, the ‘Buy and Hold’ just didn’t work for me. Its either learn a new way to trade, OR, I have had dreams of a coffee shop for years. Less work, less hours, less stress…maybe one day yet. 🙂 Besides this trading gig keeps me off the streets, which is probably a good deal for everyone. But I hear ya, buddy, trust me you are coming in 5×5. 🙂
BTW: You are still ‘trading’, exchanging paper for something you feel has/will have value. Your drug of choice is Bitcoin. A man has to believe in something. 🙂