I have owned and operated several business’s in my life time. So am aware of all the ‘Tribute’ one must pay out along the way.
Mind you, this is not some ‘make a million’ scheme or goal. It simply is to provide a place for friends to meet, enjoy a 2.00 cup of coffe, share ideas, opinions, bitch about whatever. If there is a little in the till come months end, and the bills are paid, I will count it a great success.
Some call me a ‘Dreamer’. 🙂
Ps) I hate gold stocks, bunch of fickle idiots that neither understand, or stand by, their very own product. I hate trading. It cuts into my fishing time. But for now, it is a means to a goal. And so far this year, I have made enough to buy that first coffee machine. Now don’t go discouraging me about all the hassles of owning a coffee shop. LOL