Good Morning, So Far, Looks Like A Golden Day Shaping Up
Thanks for the coffee ‘Free Rider’. Ya done good !!
Bitcoin hits $1,900 to reach record high with market cap up $4 billion this week alone
The grand daddy of all technical/sentiment market advisory services is Investors Intelligence-Mike Burke, until his death, was the top guy.
Mike said that as a stock goes up he grows LESS bullish and as it goes down he grows More bullish…Investors Intelligence was the first to fully develop contrary opinion analysis.
I think he was referring to the fact that the typical investor–who was looking but didn’t buy on the cheap–watches as the price goes up and then can’t resist buying when it’s expensive….
of course cheap can get cheaper–even bankrupt–and visa versa, like Priceline or Amazon…so Mike was stating a general rule, not graven in stone…gold and gold stocks are still cheap and Platinum is right on or near an all time low…there are lots of potential air pockets on the PM charts–such was the case in Dec 2015–Jan 2016…bearish sentiment is about the only thing gold has got going for itself…
Investors Intelligence:
Our analysis of US stocks and market trends is conducted through our US offices of Chartcraft Inc founded in 1947 by the legendary A W Cohen. Our US operation has been at the forefront of developing analytical tools now in common use – the NYSE Bullish percentage; the Advisory Sentiment Index; and the Broad Industry Group Bullish percentages. Co-editors are John Gray & Tarquin Coe.
Since pioneering the use of point & figure charting in the 1950s, many of our analytical tools have become industry standards such as the NYSE Bullish % and the Advisors Sentiment Survey. We now produce technical analysis based advisories for the majority of international financial markets. Our services are subscribed to by investors, traders and financial professionals around the world.
Our Advisors’ Sentiment Report has been heralding major market moves since 1963. This survey has been widely adopted by the investment community as a contrarian indicator and is followed closely by the financial media. Since its inception in 1963, our indicator has a consistent record for predicting the major market turning points.
Farmboy @ 16:55
“BTW: You are still ‘trading’, exchanging paper for something you feel has/will have value. Your drug of choice is Bitcoin. A man has to believe in something.”
Actually, I’m ‘Free Riding’ on my bitcoin leftovers. $1,100 initial investment when it was below $10 yet. So far I have cashed out eight ounces on the first run up. So now it’s just an amusement ride for me… another 20 bagger so far. Hope I have the good sense to get out at a top… somewhere out there beyond the moon.
And I hear ya about wanting that ‘supplemental income’. With the ranch paid for, I’m living cheap on Social insecurity this year. My pension kicks in when I turn 65 later this year. So until then I’m living on cat food and some papayas from the back yard. I might have to volunteer to pick coffee beans over in Kona to feed my habit!
That’s the only time people would of rather had Clinton over J Brown when he ran for President. The problem is yes there’s something wrong with him but this state has too much foreign interest now. We are unlikely to get any good one ever again. Let that be a warning to the other states and not just mind their borders but who’s getting in politics and remember if their lips are moving they’re lying. Shows you how they think. The money you earned is not yours it’s his. He’s the free loader and liar. He made all these promises he didn’t keep and totally mismanaged the funds and like the story said and true he’ll just want more of your money to pay the food stamps and legal fees for the illegals being deported.
Where are Trumps supporters calling their congressman telling them they better get busy backing Trump and get things done. If not we’ll know they don’t want change either. I hope the silent majority are watching Mc Cain Schumer et all who don’t give a hoot about this country just puppets for the bankers. MA made a point that’s obvious they are doing everything they can to side tract Trump so he can’t make the reforms and media in on it. Heard Cramer today mention it and Im sure media.. Bet they’re saying Gee guess he won’t be able to get anything done. Some admitting they are trying to get control away from Trump. Now they’re in control again. These are sick people off their meds. Some sort of sick alter ego. They got put in their place and now out for revenge as bullies do just come back with more people. Trump needs to do the same and shut them down. Hope their ratings go in the toilet. We need a media black out. For some reason they don’t want reform and quite content the way things are and the rest can choose not to eat over paying all the bills they gave them be taxes or medical for all they care.