I sleep best when the trading account ends the day in the green. Or, in the case of a hard days work like Maya put in, that nights sleep is probably very close to ‘near death experience’, where I would more than likely sleep through even the ‘Second Coming’. 🙂
FYI, I have chosen my lot so to speak with the trading account. As of last night 9 out of 10 ‘ponies’ in my stable were still in the green from where I bought them. And while JNUG/JDST have done VERY well by me, there have many a day of 5,10,12, even a 20% profit for a days work, I may do a little diversification with the ETF’s. Am looking into an ETF that tracks the prices of Gold and Silver, Vs ties to some mining index. Still 3x leverage, but doubt it provides the gains I currently see with the ‘J’s”. Might be time to, as you say, sit a little tighter in the saddle, take less profit/loss, and settle for something a little easier to track.
Always looking for a ‘work around’, Best to you and the family, Farmboy