that measures his oxygen level .You stick your finger in it ..thats all .they are in expensive ..about $25.00.I bought mine after my GP Dr.missed diagnosed my pneumonia 4 years ago and so did the emergency room Physician .They both sent me home with a reading of 50 oxygen level and I got so weak I could hardly eat .Them my son had seen enough and took me back to the Dr. who then ordered more tests and finally it took a Pulmonoligest who gussed I had a type of pneumonia he described a “FOGGY Pneumonia” where nothing showed up on cat scans or xrays. The only clue was my Oxygen level and two Dr’s ignored it because I dident have a fever . I will never trust Dr’s again ..I take my Oxygen level any time I dont feel well .I trust the instruments first ..Iv been at 99 % oxygen reading level for 4 years now .
BTW the Hospital tried to kill me 4 times while in there….always have a relative looking over thier shoulder asking questions. A comedy of errors ,but it was no comedy …
My sister was head Nurse for the state of NJ for many years .when I told her the story she told me WHO to notify at the State level…Not the Hospital!
She a register Nurse with a collegee degree BS in nursing . I should havc called her first .Her job was to oversee the Nurses and keep them up to the state level .She finally retired because of the travel required.. now does private work.