when we both got zapped to the pond by that woman.
Listen, I can save you the trouble at looking at those PM stocks. My guess is you will find them either missing, or underwater.
Whats going on with the weather up in your parts anyways?
when we both got zapped to the pond by that woman.
Listen, I can save you the trouble at looking at those PM stocks. My guess is you will find them either missing, or underwater.
Whats going on with the weather up in your parts anyways?
Maybe I go check my gold stocks to see if that will bring a smile to my face…
I watched the charts on Drooy but never bought it. I was trying to avoid Africa, China and Nevada. I forgot all about that one. It was tempting at times but there was other options. Good to know they’re still around though and have Divi’s too. There is no stragety with Divi’s on PM stocks nor much yield. Gabreli did pretty good when it was up but none are anything you can rely on. Gold stocks are position only they don’t built weath over time less you buy low sell high. They don’t recover as fast as equities and some may delist by then. Now I wonder how Divi equities will hold out once interest rates start to rise or should I say IF.
PS I owned it many years ago as I think most on this board did. If I did a poll it’s probably better than 50%.
I never owned the old DROOY, but many of the G-E posters had it as their favorite stock, and they were always complaining about non performance. I suggested the company should change the stupid symbol.
The old DROOY, I know nothing about re the new DRD they recycle tailings of prior mining operations. No mine in a sense. Just going thru garbage. Long conveyor belts I read.
It must be a decent company. It has earnings and a p/e. Pays a div. Recommended in the Dinesletter, (bullish on gold) and they are buying up the rights they are entitled to.
DRDGOLD, is a mid-tier, unhedged gold producer and a world leader in surface gold tailings retreatment. In FY2016 the company produced 143 457oz and declared mineral resources of 50.67 Moz and mineral reserves of 1.8Moz.
I think all the global multi national corporations that benefitted from their globalization “baby” , should be financially obligated to the loser countries, or victim countries of globalization. USA being the number one loser.
Even the Winner countries like China et al should be obligated to fork over or give back some of what they got from the USA. Watch out for those talking heads on TV that say the USA has to do research and development to get ahead.
Every single time the USA invents something, foreign nations get the production runs. What the hell good it that?? Its time to reverse that. Let China India and Mexico invent something and let us get the job.
Then without telling anybody he dumped all his shares and then the thing went into oblivion. He’s the same guy who denies there is any manipulation in the PMS.
it comes from experience ! dealing with word processors and “stinkers “instead of “thinkers” ! stay well !
is just as destructive to the hard working German people as the Third Reich was.Instead of using Fascism she uses Communism she learned while living in EAST GERMANY …She thinks like an “EAST GERMAN” .. and they dont think like a Capitalist New Yooorrker .
Buffett learned how to invest from P.T. BARNUM …the only thing “new” in the world is the History you dont know!
Tesla is a company “of the FUTURE”,,just like Brazil was a country of the Future …every brazilian laughs at that joke !
All Trump has to do is” suggest” the possibility of confiscating corporate CASH if its not put to work in 30 days and you will see Buffett and Apple scrambling to “invest it” . Instant BOOM ! Trump has a way of doing stuff like that HE MOTIVATES ” People” to do what he wants ..He “motivated ” Germany to “invest in Military” simply by “not mentioning” who will come to Europes AID in a military conflict… He knows how to “Motivate”..
Tks for the warning…..
Still think useing battery’s is a lousy idea, yeah sure it works for the rich who buy a new car and don’t worry about resale value, but as we all know unless u are v careful about how u run the batteries, they start failing early and get worse v quickly. U can bet most of the cars bought by treehugging virtue signallers, will have trashed battery packs. So there will be a near zero 2nd hand mkt. Especially as the 2nd hand petrol and diesel mkts are gonna be flooded with cheap cars, coming off finance deals.
I’d say he hasn’t a chance in hell of selling at the rate he needs. It is all hype.
Then there is this…..and who knows what other advances by 2020 !!!
So you too bought ole DROOPY ! Its a large deposit of very low grade that wont be profitable until gold hits $3000 hehe
don’t underestimate how big the gigafactory idea is going to be. He’s going to strangle the power companies. Watch
GDX/TSLA……TSLA has to be the poster boy of everything that is wrong out there.
Everything it makes is massively expensive crap, with no residual value, consequently the mkt adores it.
Did you sell the Rights? There is a deadline on that, don’t forget. I was negative about $1200, on my remaining 300 shares and recouped $800 selling my rights.
One of the S.A. tickers I remember that pissed every one off was DROOY. Decades later, recently, like you I bought some DRD. I found out after buying it, its the old DROOY with a new ticker and name.
After the globalists removed Apartheid, and put the “communists” in charge, it was over for the Miners down there. I’m pretty sure the natives down there are robbing them.
Like an idiot, I keep,nibbling and averaging down on SBGL and DRD. The main reason is because both of them are yielding 7+%. If they continue to drift lower, those dividends could quickly go to 0.
I’m thinking instability of the entire system may be over riding manipulation. In fact, the instability may be a factor or reason for the bozos manipulating things. They are on the defensive rather than the offensive.
I feel like they constantly cycle the PM’s and the stocks. Wack-a-mole is tiring, but I know summer is coming so I don’t expect much
Cold Fusion?
Platinum down $22/oz, palladium up $19/oz today! I’m sure somebody has a rational explanation.
reminds me of WITM. Pump and dump. Sometimes it’s not even liars standing over holes, just pumpers sucking people in and trashing them. WITM became a Chinese scam, it was disgusting to see how much money I got toasted for trading OTC’s. I foreverly banned myself of OTC trades after that one