Posted by Maya
@ 16:19 on May 31, 2017
(“What happens when IRS and counterparts freeze the assets of your crypto currency exchange?”)
“My answer would be the same for any asset class that gets “frozen”, it will simply go underground. That was easy. Hehe”
Exactly! The only thing ‘they’ can control is the dollar end of the exchange. And BTC exchanges have been harassed and cut off from the banking system, making exchanges difficult.
But BTC is a ‘transactional’ currency and there are always willing users to exchange or barter with. I know of multiple places I can exchange BTC for gold directly… no dollars or banksters involved.
Posted by Maddog
@ 16:04 on May 31, 2017
Buy boat loads of JDST…then sell GDXJ short all day, knowing scum will help in metal ………someone does not want the juniors to have any strength at all.
Posted by Maddog
@ 15:52 on May 31, 2017
no wonder he wants Trump to stay in the Paris accord
Elon Musk Warns He Will Depart Trump Councils If U.S. Leaves Paris Deal
I have simple rule for anyone who promotes AGW…they are either a moron or a shyster…take yr pick.
Posted by Maddog
@ 15:47 on May 31, 2017
I think u need to check real world experience of Lith batteries, I doubt very much they can sustain 50 % drawdowns and immediate chargeing over decades.
I think u have to run them down to near zero and then slow charge ’em back to 100 %, then repeat etc. Partial run down followed by partial charging kills them v fast.
I know a mate who with some mates all bought lith fueled Golf buggy’s, a while back. He religiously followed the instructions, near total discharge then slow charge, his mates just plugged ’em in whenever they remembered…his is the only one that will hold a charge now, the rest run out in no time….
10 bucks for a phone battery. or 50 for a lap top u can live with but 10 grand for a car battery is a chunk. !!!
Posted by Farmboy
@ 15:36 on May 31, 2017
and some of the miners FINALLY seem to be joining them. Not a bad day.
Posted by Farmboy
@ 15:18 on May 31, 2017
the collective voice of the American People WILL be heard in the Griffen case. This will end her career, going out in such a sour and bitter way. Be sure, some other ‘Hollywood’ types will take note. They are not immune to the people who pay her salary. Justice will be delivered in her case, in the court of American Public Opinion. Her allegiance to the extreme far left and her ‘masters’ at CNN just cost her a career. I am sure they will find another ‘puppet’ in the wings to carry on their message of hate.
Posted by Farmboy
@ 15:07 on May 31, 2017
Take a close look in the mirror. Quit blaming others for YOUR lack of skill or guts.
Seriously? You blaming some for looking for better opportunities in Belize or any other place? ‘Fat pensions’? Some of those pensions where paid in blood. Quit sniveling and get to doing.
Best, Farmboy
Posted by goldielocks
@ 14:00 on May 31, 2017
That failed comedian lib didn’t even know who she is, still don’t and don’t care the only joke is how she was made the poster girl for ISIS and her so desperate for a photo Op dreams it up. Why give her the free publicity over this demented stunt. They’re as usual working against the first amendment by abusing and subjugating it and all it’s going to do is put it under attack then they’ll get what they want but it might not work in their favor. All a side tract from these clowns, media Demos and even soke GOP to block the changes and reforms the people voted.
Posted by treefrog
@ 13:55 on May 31, 2017
structurally, a threat is always a statement about a future action. i.e. “i am going to do (whatever).”
holding up a faux severed head is NOT a threat. it may be reprehensible, tasteless, grisly, and offensive, but it is not a threat.
if she had said “i’m going to make you look like this.” that would have been a threat.
if she had said “i wish somebody would do this to you.” that would have been incitement.
she didn’t. she probably has a lawyer who has explained these points to her.
Posted by goldielocks
@ 13:48 on May 31, 2017
One thing I learned from Armstrong or no reason to think he’s wrong yet lol is it isn’t the dollar going down that’s the problem, it’s when it goes up. He says its when the Feds drive the dollar up is when there will be pressure to come up with a new reserve currency. He also made a good point on jobs not coming back because even if Trump was able to lower taxes the Demos will just raise it again.
They can make no business plans on changing taxes. Anymore then you buying a house if they can change the interest rates on that house higher everytime they need money. If businesses can’t make long term plans either can the employees. Bad for everyone. Only way is to guarentee them a low rate for 20 years like other country’s who were smart enough to do just that. That these polititians know nothing about economics or competing markets. Just what will win them the next election.
Posted by eeos
@ 13:16 on May 31, 2017
It obviously wasn’t in Belize or chasing wild Jamaicans. It surely hasn’t been PM centric for 6 years. The ETF chart said it all for me a few days back. Sure, you can scalp and survive trading ETF but the fund rebalancing gets people I think. Generally for my generation, we don’t have it exactly on easy street. The govy doesn’t cut me a fat paycheck or an endless pension. I’m out here on my own. But they sure have eroded any gains my generation have tried to contribute. So really there’s no easy way out. Buy physical for the rainy day is the only thing I have going I guess
Posted by Ororeef
@ 13:14 on May 31, 2017
Im calling for EQUAL treatment under the Law….The networks want to police themselves so they can decide WHO gets thrown out and who gets approved and for what reason.If O’realily and Ailes got throw out for Love then she should be banned from TV for Hate ! Equal treatment under the LAW . ! She can say what she wants to say just like Rosie O’Donnell ..hate speaker #1.She used her Podium to castigate Tom Selleck for his Gun views after she invited him on to discuss something else and then sandbagged him in front of an audience and He walked off. She got canned shortly after ! The Network tried to help her save Face by not firing her immediately ,but they knew she had to go! Griffin should be banned for a YEAR to give her some time to spend with her family ! She needs a rest ,she’s been working too hard…
“Short of actually threatening President Trump” you dont think that Picture of her holding his BLOODY HEAD is not a THREAT ?
“Kathy Griffin should be ashamed of herself. My children, especially my 11 year old son, Barron, are having a hard time with this. Sick! … this is simply wrong and makes you wonder about the mental health of the person who did it.”
- 82,538
- May 31, 2017 8:19 AM
Posted by Farmboy
@ 12:18 on May 31, 2017
the fact they appeared on ‘Public airways’ does not disavow her 1st amendment rights. What you seem to be calling for is a form of censorship. Based on…’public standards’. (whatever that is). Short of actually threatening President Trump, she has not committed a crime. Poor judgement, poor taste, YES!
Now drop her a line and let her know how you feel about it.
Posted by Farmboy
@ 12:05 on May 31, 2017
I have been reading your words for years. You are one of us poor idiots that believe someday, somehow, the Goldbugs win. I look to you with a few younger years, to see things my older eyes or experience don’t see. You have knocked Bitcoin, knocked ETF’s, knocked PM’s. If you see a better solution, a better way, I am counting on your vision. You are NOT married to any investment, PM or otherwise.
Maya took a stand, with his Bitcoin bet. I admire him greatly for listening to, following his gut, in spite of a lot of opposition from these pages. Will his ‘trade’ end as successful as it looks ? Who knows. But he took a stand.
If there is a better way to secure our financial futures, I am all ears. Just please spare me the ‘Woulda, Shoulda, Coulda…’ routine. Show me a better way.
With all due respect, Farmboy
Posted by Ororeef
@ 11:56 on May 31, 2017
This is NOT a “free SPEECH “action…its a “hate” catagory ..They took Bill o’Reilly off tv for a lot LESS ..and Roger AILES and their actions were in Private ! beside the Media companies are Licenced to use the PUBLIC AIRWAYS where it is appropriate to set “Public Standards” ..They certainly use it on everybody else .Free SPeech dosent apply to public Licence Airways. I suppose “LOVE ACTIONS” get BANNED ! ,BUT HATE is OK their Standards
The Taxpayers set the Standards by use of the Licence ..she violates every standard for public use .She can say what she wants on the Street ,but NOT a Public LICENCED airway. Any network that gives her air TIME should lose thier LICENCE !
Posted by eeos
@ 11:53 on May 31, 2017
Not whining, just amazed to watch him go. It’s gone too far to try to transition now. So I have to patiently wait for the gold train I guess
Posted by Farmboy
@ 11:50 on May 31, 2017
“eeos @ 11:30 on May 31, 2017
I have no vested interest in Elon Musk or any of his stocks, but I wish I would have trusted my gut and rolled out of the PM’s and into TSLA, so instead I’m married to a nightmare in the PM’s when I’d rather be rewarding people that are making a difference on quality of life on earth.”
Posted by eeos
@ 11:37 on May 31, 2017
Posted by Farmboy
@ 11:37 on May 31, 2017
however in poor taste it may be. What America needs to do is practice our own 1st Amendments right and let her know she crossed the line of good sense and taste.
This will probably be a boon to the aging comic, (bad press is better than NO press), but those who wish to put feet to their voice can cancel their tickets to her performances. Or, show up and let your voice be heard. A chorus of loud ‘Boo’s’ during her performance would be a good way to send a message.
Posted by eeos
@ 11:30 on May 31, 2017
If you have things to do, go about them. Lol. No point in watching this stuff. Up down up down. Zzzzz.
Mad dog I have no clue. But let’s look at his car. No one else comes remotely close. His new affordable model is coming out soon. He’s going to speed up the robotic line a 10 fold to meet the demand. Amazing. Think GM or Ford can do that?
Did you ever see NASA land rockets like he does? They sucked. He’s finally going where I thought no one would, privatized space industry for profit.
I think he’s for real about solar and probably works closely with NREL to beat his competition in the experimental solar panel testing.
I agree that lithium-ion batteries are finicky and I have no clue how to recycle them either. His car battery can be swapped in about 5 minutes, what that means I don’t know exactly. I read that he intends on building 5 or 6 more gigafactories around the world. When the footprint is complete in NV, it will be the largest building on earth.
I have no vested interest in Elon Musk or any of his stocks, but I wish I would have trusted my gut and rolled out of the PM’s and into TSLA, so instead I’m married to a nightmare in the PM’s when I’d rather be rewarding people that are making a difference on quality of life on earth.
Posted by Ororeef
@ 11:23 on May 31, 2017
Despite her apology – after her utlimate act of virtue signaling by holding up the blood-soaked head of the president backfired – President Trump and his family failed to find the humor in this heinous act.

First Donald Trump Jr. tweet-raged…
Posted by Farmboy
@ 11:10 on May 31, 2017
Pm’s holding up quite well so far, (should be higher with the Dollar down), the Pm Shares….kinda pitiful. My Jdst not enough to keep me from going into the red today. Mux is killing me.
Strange times. And no matter what the news, the general markets seem to have an unseen hand of support. Sure smells like a bubble to me. Will there be a ‘June Swoon’ or do the markets just keep levitating? I have this eerie feeling that when the markets go south, it will be in a very big way. Where the PM’s end up….is anyone’s guess.
Posted by Buygold
@ 10:41 on May 31, 2017
These shares get more ridiculous by the day.
Posted by Farmboy
@ 10:12 on May 31, 2017
Comment: Can you imagine the backlash if Griffen was holding Obama’s head?? Another example that success in your profession does not equal ‘Class’.
Posted by commish
@ 10:05 on May 31, 2017