is on to them ! thats their problem ! Past Presidents were too stupid to see how they calculate the cost of everything ..sometimes as “cost per Capita”sometimes as “cost per GNP ” and so on.whichever way costs them LESS and the US MORE .Its come time for those Socialists to pay their own way for Defence ..for the Welfare State (Healthcare) ..cost of Climate Control …they keep changeing the method of Calculation to which ever way gives them a free Ride and the Americans pay MORE !
China is the biggest polluter in the World ,so they give them 30 years to comply with rules we immediately have to comply with..,cheapest way for them …most expensive way for us… (give me a free Hamberger today ..I’ll pay you tomorrow)
Why do you think they refer to us as “Stupid Americans” Its not because we dont like free Healthcare ,free Climate Control ..its because they wouldent do it the way we do it ..the most expensive way for US. IF they can afford to have universal HealthCare & Socialism ..they can afford to pay their way .! If China can afford to build Cities with NO occupants and burn fossell fuels to do it ..they can afford to pay for climate control to clean up their own cities. ..If Elon Musk can afford to BURN Rocket FUEL (fossel Fuels to do launch satellites ,He can afford to pay the FULL COST himself. All these Socialists want to claim Poverty ,live as Millionaires on the Taxpayers DIME……….
Trump sez “not on my Watch”!