the Baseball Game should have been cancelled in Protest to the attempted assassinations of republicans and the SILENT Democrats BLAMED for not condemning these outrageous acts of violence against a President and other Republicans. The so Called friendly Democrats are ACCOMPLICES in Silence ,they pretend to disavow with silence ,but dont condemn what their more crazy accomplices do.Public opinion is what needed to get the DEMOCRATS to condemn this crap just like the Silent Muslims cant have it both ways ..they need to not just condemn the crazies ..THEY need to stop them.The Democrats need to stop their crazy cohorts or take blame along with them,they cant have it both ways. The democrats have learned from the Muslims about avoiding BLAME ! The Trumpsters need to BLAME the SILENT Democrats just like Trump tells the Silent Muslims they can longer remain Silent ..they have a Responsibility ! Cancelling the GAME that denied Funds to a Charity would have made the POINT that the PRESS couldent ignore ..its all your Fault the Funds were LOST.. YOU encouraged them like silent partners in a crime ! Instead the Democrats commit a crime and still get credit for doing “GOOD work” ..Whats that all about ! DENY them the GOOD PRESS for what they FAIL to do..Stupid Republicans…!
Engage the public TO CONDEMM THESE DEMOCRATS that allow their crazy cohorts to hyjack the Democratic Party or they are all guilty.!
The Democrats have THE Responsibility to stop them..ITS THEIR PARTY !