Which is worrisome. Most ‘Indicators’ are useless. If there is any ‘Good News’ is that Gold and Silver prices are not being slaughtered as in past days. Is that indicative of PM strength, or just more manipulation? I cant get a ‘read’ on these markets at all. Time to go to phiz and ground? I am lost as to what to trade. I better figure out this mess soon, or just go to all Phiz and sit it out. From the ‘news’ headlines, to …you name it… I admit I am completely in the fog. These ole eyes see so little of anything that ‘makes sense’.
The vote in Georgia today may be the clue. Some kid (in his early 30’s) is probably going to win an election in a race normally Republican. The amount of money pumped into this kid (democrat) from outside the State is unbelievable. 90 % or better of his campaign contributions have come from outside Ga, mostly from California (Pelosi) coffers !
The Republican running against him has towed the ‘Traditional Repub” line. Not supporting of Trump or his policies, but running on what the Republicans ‘think’ the people want to hear. Typical campaign rhetoric all around. No substance, all BS. The republicans deserve to lose this one. And if this is the sign of things to come in the 2018 elections, the Dems are going to Win Big Time !!
OK, rant off, I need to follow the advice I gave eeos the other day and figure out how to make a profit in the trading account regardless. No excuses, just finding a way to do it. Its a mess out there !