NoDebt Chupacabra-322 Jun 20, 2017 10:22 PM
This subject is probably too deep and I’ve probably had too much to drink tonight to tackle this but….. ah, what the fuck? Here’s the abbreviated version:
“Currencies” are old hat. All of them are in decline. FX rates don’t capture it because they’re all arbitraged to go down roughly at the same pace, so compared to eachother they are “stable”. Gold standard was abandoned long ago. So what’s the new standard under a fiat system?? The only yard stick avaiable is the value of PRODUCTIVE ASSETS. That is to say, corporations. How do you express the value of a corporation? By it’s stock price.
Central Banks abandoned gold as their underlying “anchor” asset long ago when they all went pure fiat. Slowly, they are substituting the only other tangible value that can replace it. Stocks of productive corporations.
If you disagree with that, I understand. I’m pretty much 3 sheet to the wind at this point, so don’t take this as some kind of manifesto on my part.
Maybe you should drink more (or I should drink less), because that seems pretty damn insightful to me.
I would add that the largest corporations and banks de facto control the governments of the West, meaning that they are essentially the “economy.”
The cult (Trine) did this by virtue of a very simple scam. It interjected itself between the state and its people by creating the medium of exchange (money) as an interest-bearing debt to itself. Money creation is something the State is perfectly capable of doing itself, without incurring any debt nor paying any interest.
This fundamental fraud is the explanation for almost everything that has gone wrong with the world.
In order to distract society from the real enemy gnawing at its heart, the central bankers have always created a series of phony enemies and unnecessary wars.