Gop Senate is going to derail efforts to begin the end of Obama care.
They didn’t have a bill ready and probably didn’t want a bill.
There Bill they kept trying to pass under Obama wasnt a workable knd and just a prop for gullible conservatives.
Next will be a fight between GOP factions and house and senate republicans.
Senate is under lobbyist influence with camera hog actors like Rand. Graham, McCain and Cruz. They’ll squabble just to get air time while delaying Trump agenda. We’ll be lucky to get any bill to Trumps desk by end of year.
Senators are mad about losing the elections to him this year. Any bill the produce will start wars among the GOP senators and be flawed. Then they’ll get one back to the house for work then passage.
The House will fight the Senate just because the Senate dissed them.
At this point no more than 30 % chance. Conplats have warned GOP can’t lead and does not serve them.
They’ll prove it once again that we need a new party.
Conplat are watching not so gullible.
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