the wealthy participants do not seem to be holding significant quantities of physical silver or gold. It is not that they could not afford the vaults for safe storage. It strikes me as strange but it seems that the convenience of dealing in paper vehicles for the PM portion of their wealth is more important to them than the other choice of storing physical precious metals.
But they have their reasons for doing what they are doing, and so do I. For me, a guideline for a long time now has been the idea that if holding physical gold and/or silver is good enough for China and for people of China, and for Russia, and for India, and Turkey and a few other jurisdictions also, then the same should be good enough for me too. I am referring here to core, long-term holdings, because I admittedly also participate in some shorter-term holdings of equities of PM mining companies, with the latter strongly weighted towards silver producers rather than gold producers. Cheers.