Nooo!!!! Not Lynette Zang!!!
We had this conversation a couple of weeks ago and nobody seemed to know who she was, she’s been elevated to expert status virtually overnight.
Just giving you a hard time. I agree, something wicked this way comes – sooner or later…..
sez He will cut Congress HealthCare …..Yeah Baby put them all on OBAMACARE and make them pay like everybody else ….Let them join the same exchanges that subsidize the poor that dont pay anything …mayBE THEY WILL GET MEDICAID !
Drain the Swamp ! CUT all Congressional benefits to the same level as the Public..MAKE them join SOCIAL SECURITY TOO !
THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT VIDEO YOU CAN SHARE: Economic Expert Exposes Collapse is Near
IMO the DOW will go up another +/- 1500, topping then crashing from about 23,400.
If one didn’t know better
the late selling could be end of Month profit taking in PM shares…….far more likely is scum boorishness.
Meanwhile the FANGS are looking a little toothless here….hmmm !!!!!
Seems like a perfect set-up to take a flyer at VXX–not making any big gloom n doom statement but just a trade
Dow up 80 everything else red-though not much–nicely divergent—month end window dressing holding it together?
Maui takes the lead in last minutes caught a barrel with perfect exit.
Kai Lenny wins big-wave Puerto Escondido event in dying minutes
Maya you must be watching the wrong programming on TV
all you need is a amazon firestick and sit behind a VPN. You jailbreak it and put Kodi on it and you can watch 3,500 channels. Anything and I mean anything.
Stock futures are up-no worry over the weekend–this opening rally in stocks is worth trying to fade as
a short term trade-if the DOW is up 100 or 150 with the S&P and NAZ lagging…not saying I’ll take that trade but I am on “VXX” watch since it is near a 52 week low–
Happy End Of The Month!
Time to put some lipstick on the Dow Cow and spruce up those month end bonuses. I will probably add a few more Shorts today, and see what August brings in the general markets. Nothing ventured, nothing gained kinda attitude, which seems to work well on a monday. Thanks for the coffee Maya. Lets get er done.
Buygold @ 18:43
“…we live in a media world…. TV said so right?”
After 40 years working behind the ‘Boob Toob’, I can’t watch TV. It’s not entertaining to me, and it certainly isn’t a good source of news.
8 Am Lndn time…recently action has been good at times but….a new week and scum are in bang on time
buying SM and Dollar, hitting PM’s.
Rick probably has it right. Seriously, AMZN was down 3% and someone whose never owned a gold stock calls that creamed??? Seriously, last week GG had better than expected earnings and was down 9%.
Can you imagine an AMZN, MSFT, GOOG, FB, INTC down 9% in a single day? Wall Street would have people jumping out of windows.
Rick is right on the VXX. Big effing yawn…
Maya @ 15:05 Sandy Hook BS
Yeah, I’m with you on all that. Also many locals who were involved have “won” the lottery and/or had their home mortgages paid off for their participation in the fraud. And of course Obama did his share to legitimize the deception. Same with Boston Marathon Bombing and that church in the South where the congregation all got “murdered” and within about 3 days all the “grieving relatives” of the victims got paid $29 million from the White House…..and then the gay bar in Florida episode where 50? people were shot but no ambulances were ever seen……and on and on, so Americans have been conditioned to swallow the fake news hook, line, and sinker. Thanks for the memories. LOL!!!
I’m curious to know if anybody still believes any of these things were real, but they probably would be too embarrassed to admit it at this point if they did.
Buygold-Rick has a 10.24 target on VXX-I agree, he is usually right-and Whalen doesn’t dispute that–Also, we
hearing all the rationalization why the stock mkt isn’t gonna crash…and will keep going up–there was just a ZH article about why one should not worry about a low VIX…
Rick’s Pick for Monday [klik to enlarge chart]
AMZN’s Plunge Doesn’t Faze Street
Updated Sunday, July 31, at 6:30 p.m. ET
Although AMZN got walloped on Friday after missing earnings estimates, Wall Street barely missed a beat. In fact, the Dow touched a new record high as usual and looked eager to go still higher when trading resumes on Monday. AMZN’s dramatic peak occurred at 1083.31, matching exactly-to-the-penny a bull market target I’d initially drum-rolled in early June. The target stood to be an important one, since it had been 16 months in coming. And because AMZN itself is arguably one of the most important companies in the world, a top in the stock could well augur one in the broad stock averages.
Buygold–Rick has a 10.24As of Friday, however, although AMZN dragged down the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq, it didn’t curtail buying in DJIA stocks, as I’ve noted above. My gut feeling is that this ‘divergence’ will soon be reconciled in bullish fashion, with the Dow carrying the day. Even so, I’d be surprised if AMZN gets instantly back in bullish gear, since Friday’s plunge will have temporarily scared off more than a few buyers. But it’s also going to attract bargain hunters, raising the prospect that Friday’s lows will hold. In addition to the foregoing, VXX, which tracks short-term volatility in the S&Ps, still has much lower to go if it’s going to achieve the 10.24 target I’ve forecast for it. Were that to occur, it presumably would be driven by the same kind of ratcheting, wafting rally that has propelled U.S. shares higher for years
WOW Maya, R640
Maya – that friend of yours saying Sandy Hook was a huge production is stunning. Imagine how the media crucifies anyone who goes against the official narrative! You wouldn’t think that something like that would be easy to pull off but we live in a media world. How would someone here in Idaho have any reason to doubt whatever happened in Sandy Hook? TV said so right?
In terms of cryptos, I don’t think they’re afraid of them or powerless to stop them, I think they’re behind them. They’ll run them up, suck people in and then regulate them to destroy the newcomers – like everything else, only the few will benefit – like you!
R640- Gundlach may indeed be early but he’ll also be right. Never bet against Gundlach – EVER!!!
Chris Whalen: “Gundlach Isn’t Wrong, He’s Just Early”
==And there’s so much money looking to invest that it’s going into all of the possible asset classes and in some cases into surreal asset classes like bitcoin and all of these digital currencies.
“Erik: I want to start with the US dollar because, you know, we’ve had quite a few guests talking up a secular bullish argument on the dollar and, boy, it really all sounds very compelling, but look at the chart. The dollar bulls—the chart is telling us dollar bulls that we’re wrong. So how do you see this playing out? What do you think is driving the weakness that we’re seeing in the US dollar? And does it represent a secular change in direction, or is this just a natural pullback in an ongoing bull market?
silverngold – Re: Sandy Hook
Met a fellow here who is from the region back east. He has many close friends in the Sandy Hook area, and they all confirm the thing was a PR production… no one died. One witnessed an actor laughing it up and joking behind the scenes before going on camera and sheddding tears as the ‘father of a dead child’. They say the thing was put on by a shady corporate PR production company. No one knows where that money came from. My guess? Soros, et al.
That’s why you see the same actors in different situations. They work for the same production company.