China Sends Warships, Fighter Jets To Intercept US Destroyer In South China Sea
The Only Way Out Of The Qatar Crisis
Above is the main overnight news likely to drive PM’s in a ‘normal/real’ mkt…..but in our non/real/scum mkt we get a 0.5 % drop in price !!!!!! and a 0.25 % rally in the SM along with a small dollar rally. None of which should be possible, without scum action.
Now a DB analyst has quantified this change in reality, which the world is assumeing is permanent and trading off accordingly and it’s huge…
Deutsche: The Market Broke In 2012, “This Is What Everyone Is Talking About”
Take that along with fact that according to DiMattio Booth in her book Fed Up, near 100 % of Fed employees/appointees have no idea what they are doing, or of how the real world works ie: to all intents and purpose they are 100 % useless and the recipe could not be worse.