Good morning, to those gathered here.
To Farmboy’s insightful comment “the roulette wheel is spinning”. A wonderful analogy of our investing reality in this corrupted controlled market. I used the term market loosely, better, pit of thieves. If one were to consider the current dilemma of the Fed, selling back to the pits, assets which it purchased with illusional wealth (fabricated baseless digits) one would marvel of the insanity to this casino.
I digress, the reality of this morning is the power which the casino owners and operates have achieved in these last decades. Historically we all know their underground world where they operated and controlled. I find it astonishing the OPENNESS of their activities. Globally we all dream of better times to come. I feel it is only a matter of months before the complexity of the real world upsets their ruthless global domination. Or am I too just a dreamer of better times to come, smile.