This is what Liberalism has done ! Even the Liberal POPE has his share of the Blame ! The Orthodox Christians and Eastern Europeans are the only way to restore civility and TRUMP knows it ! Liberalism has weakened the West and made it vulnerable to infiltration by its enemies and the Muslims .The Orthodox Christians know what its like to have them for neighbors .Poland Hungary and Romania are the NEW ANTI MUSLIM ALLIES of the US. ALL of them tell Western Europe DONT send those Muzzies here and threaten us with Economic Punishment if we dont accept them .It cheaper for us to separate from Western Europe than give up our Sovereignty, Low Crime rates ,and civil peace…We see what Liberalism does and dont want it ! WE can deal with Russia ,at least they are not selling us out !
Trump going to seek greater ties with Poland, Hungary and Romania with TRADE, selling them Energy to keep them out of Russia grasp unlike Europe who has already fallen under their Energy grip. Its a giant chess Game ! This is what Duterte dosent like ..its the West double Talk Liberalism that sells you out to the Muslims for oil money and Energy. Trumps going to fix that with NEW ENERGY EXPORTS to our Christian friends.