An insight, from the old pathway. I once saw an event called WTC7….and we all marveled at the fact…this could not happen!!. This evening, we, the old and new crew gathered here , marvel that there is another illusionary event transpiring…a bitcion to replace the illusion ( fiat/debt dollar exchange which was created and controlled to date by the masters…long sentence..far better men have endeavor to protect you from them). My point, just who is naive enough to believe that this new marvel, that defies all logic is ?. Digital, non-taxed, outside the realm of the masters , wealth instruments, could continue but , I , hate to waste your intelligence ? smile.
Where, can I begin? We all witnessed the last decades of killing fields…… The defined word Iraq… will be written .someday as…war crimes/ AND we all knew and were silent …again I digress. I have no words to describe the harm on all wasted men and women.
The bit coin venue of test to end game control. It would be all digital and there lays the last ultimate control. The ultimate dream of power and …words,
you and I cannot imagine to their damming dimension of global new world order.
buildings do not free fall…there is no free world digital wealth exchange which is not created or controlled outside of them..
Regarding these last years..someday..these times will be reviewed , I hope..
what and how could good people be so …and then the masters closed the gate.