We have so called leaders globally with some very serious mental and personality disorders who are not only manipulative but have total disregard for others who also see their job as a position of prestige in a ” narcisitic ” way not a sense of responsibility or duty for those who elected them but how they can take advantage of them as a end to their means. We’re seeing this reflected in the press fake news and insane politicians bent on impeaching Trump even if they have to make it up with some drama to impeach him and distract from their real intentions. We have a decoupling between them and us both here and Europe. There always has been but not at this level now globally coordinated.
They made a bunch in forcing women out of the home for decades of easy money and now reached a tipping point. They mismanaged the money that would of weathered a drop in population and now with women too busy or not socially acceptable even if they wanted kids because they have to focus on careers and having less kids the gravy train is drying up. In there desperation they will open the borders causing even more problems with their reckless disregard in order to keep their easy money coming in because they are the center of the universe everyone else should revolve around them.Why they hate Trump or we the people because he , we won’t cooperate and they just can’t handle someone else taking the spot light or questioning their authority.
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