re parts:
“There has been the outright theft of trillions of dollars from the treasury that has taxed and indebted the American people, all through neo/Zio controlled gov’t entities while the people have been asleep.”
“She makes great points about how pensions, states and healthcare are underfunded because of the theft of at least $12 trillion.”
The problem with her view is she did not state the “method” of theft, at all. Embezzlement? Counterfeiting? Armed robbery at the US Mint? She’s only good at naming these various groups with scary sounding names like Luciferians Neocons, Zionazi’s, Khazarians .
Bottom line: If the USA buys $500 billion of goods from China, and China buys $100 billion from the USA? The USA just lost $400 billion. There’s your “theft” method, and the $400 billion lost was actually a global income tax on the US public.
What the rest of the world did to the USA, was the same thing as when the Dutch bought Manhattan Island for $25 worth of crap.