In my view the original powers have split up and are fighting amongst each other, against each other, fighting over the “steering wheel”. “No we don’t like the way you are driving, WE want to drive now”
Originally, Military and Israel were getting thrown under the bus, part of the reversal after 2008 during Obama. Who did Obama report to? Probably Europe et al. The question we all have to ask, is WHO owns Trump???? Israel and the Military and all the outsource importers?
Trump I loved until he started saying China is SCREWING us, China did this, and China that. That’s a lie and he’s a bull shitter, or just plain dumb and behind the curve. China (and all other exporting countries) did NOTHING to better themselves.
The global big corporations set themselves up, started investing there as a sanctuary, to avoid US taxes and labor. They even gave themselves tax break incentives to do so, and made taxes higher than normal for US corporations to discourage doing business domestically. We keep hearing corporate taxes too high in USA.
They did all that on purpose. Nothing is a coincidence. Nixon went there way back (’72?) to set things up.