Every financial writer has a negative story to tell. Pretty much what everybody already knows. But unfortunately NEVER ever tell anybody the reasons or causes. How it happened, when it started etc etc. They only describe and rant about the negative results.
You know me, I rant about the causes of all this unaffordability. I blame outsourcing, and an artificially low base wage for everything. We all know there is a shortage of nurses. I was talking to a guy nurse yesterday. He said the pay isn’t what it used to be. He said he knew nurses that gave up and got police jobs and other tax funded jobs that pay more.
So I told him why its the way it is…..If the minimum wage had $24/hr worth of purchasing power like in did in 1967, (mandated by gov’t, unskilled entry level pay) all the nurses and other skilled occupations, would make a lot more money, because there is a “pecking order” range from unskilled to skilled. All wages would be higher and employers would make less profit.
I personally know an employer that had 65 people once at minimum wage. He’s at the end of his life now, owns about 15 multi family houses free and clear, two Benzes and a Grand Cherokee. If he paid more, he’d just have less STUFF, maybe half, and he can’t take it with him. All his employees got food stamps at our expense.
The domestic gov’t was smarter after the depression. US labor is a natural resource like Lumber and Oil etc. Any lands the Gov’t owns had to be compensated for the resources. Why just give it all away? Same with unskilled labor.
The new modern gov’t, by business, for business, is like my friend getting away with paying low wages, and creating burdens for taxpayers .