My friend mentioned below, with all the stuff told me its a burden and wishes he got rid of it all when the real estate selling was easy. I’ve heard others say the same thing. Too much STUFF. The more you have the more you have to store and maintain.
My view from way way back was …”The one who dies with the most time off wins”. And with robots imports and computerized machinery etc eliminating jobs, the modern Gov’t of today SHOULD change the propaganda to…..THE ONE WHO DIES WITH THE MOST TIME OFF WINS.
OR…”WHY WORK IF YOU DON’T HAVE TO?” Find a hobby, ot travel, go places, go fishing, write a book, invent something, stop wasting your life each day, that day never comes back, while accumulating tons of stuff you don’t need and die leaving it all behind.
A friend near by sold his house and everything in it. He was so happy….”House was too much work, I’m going to rent a studio apartment in my friends house for $800/mo and I’ll be traveling. He likes to go surfing.
Call in sick, use up your sick days. 🙂