Saying there is a LACK in wage inflation, is exactly the same as saying there is a LACK of postage stamp inflation, if a postage stamp was STILL 5 cents today.
Or a problem with a LACK of food inflation if a loaf of bread was still 25 cents. Or a LACK of car price inflation if new cars were $10,000.
The wage inflation has to mandated by a Dept of Labor law in each state or county or a standard need like the post office uniformly raising stamp prices from 2 cents to 50 cents. It was a NEED to stay in business regarding what is proper value or COST of doing business. Each household is a small business, and all related costs to operate should be deductible against income. SIMPLE.
No employer on the planet is stupid enough to pay more than he has to unless being forced to pay the right price like he does for material costs, utility costs taxes etc etc. They have to be FORCED to pay about $23.50/hr for anybody willing and able to work 40 hours a week. In the NY City area middle class needs about $150K per/yr. You need 2,000/week $50/hr, to pay low rent of $2000 per month.
If the business can’t absorb the added cost, then they have to shut down. Simple. can’t afford your taxes? Utilities? Vendor costs, same thing you need to shut down. Having a gov’t mandated, below cost of living wage, is no different that a tax subsidy FOR that business.
Another thing. Businesses LOVE cheaper than normal material and labor costs. Take note, lots of important materials are also lacking “cost inflation,” thanks to the RIGGED futures market.
Minimum wage should be different in each state or county, because cost of living is different in every state or county. An abnormally low minimum wage in the area is like corporate WELLFARE for small and large USA businesses. And most don’t really need the “public assistance” to start with.
But the globalists want US businesses on welfare. They did everything they could to keep the USA artificially alive, without our manufacturing jobs.
Note: The Dept Of Labor has been UNDER reporting the REAL inflation rate for DECADES (we all know this) to protect the international value of the globalists US Dollar’s value. Also a needed to keep social security raise at a minimum.
Honesty is the best policy. And these global bankers and influences are NOT honest, for decades and will eventually PAY. Again like the summer of 2008.