Why did they donate $500? Remember how much the west donated when the tsunami hit Indonesia.
Why are you dissing Nenner? Even a blind squirrel gets an acorn now and then.
Re Here’s a deflationary ingredient for the pie. Retarded Taxpayer Wages
Even lower are private sector retirement wages. Social Security payments should be double what they are. They NEVER raised them lock step along with the price of a postage stamp, a car or a house. I did not open the zerohedge link, so I don’t know if my opinion was in there. If not in there? The author is sleeping.
Interest rates are low to accommodate low wages and make borrowing more affordable. Borrowing is needed because nobody can afford to pay cash.
Coming Out Of The Shadows
If you want to assist in overcoming evil in America, consider reading this and taking action:
Ipso, Equisetum
Ipso – that makes perfect sense to me, I’ve been trying to get my wife to reduce her spending for years! Seriously though, it does make sense and the boomers are the ones with the money. I also agree the Fed will try to print but that hasn’t really worked for Japan. Endless fiat, what a gift for the Globalists, imagine the scam they’ve pulled off on working slaves like us.
Equisetum – well, I would also have loved to own some USA.TO! Would have really loved to have sold my MUX awhile back and bought USA.TO. I’m just not smart enough to catch them all. Somehow Sprott seems to do better than the average investor.
if all you have is a hammer…
…pretty soon everything you see starts to look like a nail.
One of my piglets has a sponsor
Colorado Closes Strategic Investment by Goldcorp to Fund Additional Exploration
Buygold @16:54. I do not own any of Kirkland Lake but would readily add this to
my ‘buy and hold’ if I had fiat to spare right now. So I agree with you about liking Kirkland. My thinking on this one was influenced by Eric Sprott’s imprint there. It would be nice to have purchased this one some time ago when Sprott’s comments caught my attention.
Buygold @ 17:14
Here’s a deflationary ingredient for the pie … although it’s really hard not to see the Gov printing wildly as things get out of control. IMO
“One of the reasons for that is that spending drops on average by 37.5% in retirement. Given that consumption accounts for 70% of US economic activity, this is a major deflationary force.
Economic growth and corporate profits go hand in hand. Which means this trend will cut down company earnings and, in turn, investors’ returns will go down further.
That’s not yet the worst news. Along with declining profits, America’s aging population has ever more profound implications for investors.”
Thing is people have been saying stocks are over valued since 2013. The Feds keep trying to manipulate.How many missed out? We’re gonna raise interest rates they say in a photo op then nada how many times. This interest rate thing is gonna be hanging over our heads for a long time. Every time they speak when gold going up it’s sold. It’s still hanging on since 2016 but if it does correct way back down I’m gonna buy double looking for bottom.
Like I mentioned to take precautions but there’s no where else for money to go right now. Yes we could have a correction. It it’s not over yet. Seeing the sign forca set back with over zealous coming out telling you to invest with them but can’t tell when yet.
Muslims refuse to shelter infidels
It’s against their peace and love religion.
Does that mean they can’t live in a Christian country or take our infidel food, our infidel housing, take our infidel money in a Christian based constitution?
Sam Adams 1776 true religion and virtue
British out to destroy true religion and virtue.
John mayhem 1776 Christ set free.
Ya got me. Nenner says get out of stocks and into bonds but also likes gold. He see the big deflation coming, so I guess he figures that rates will go to zero, because of Japanese style printing.
I don’t like stocks here either, but the only thing I can see that seems undervalued is pm stocks and shares.
I agree that the “Fed Put” could go on in the stock market for a very long time.
Buy gold 15:11
Get out of stocks into what? This interest rate thing is going to drag on for years and could drag on for housing now too. Not saying putting stop losses for insurance and selling tops in volatile gold to buy back but both Dow and Gold have been making higher highs and lower lows. For now anyways.
I feel the same way about Kirkland Lake – KL
One of the few true winners I’ve ever had in the pm shares. New all-time, lifetime highs today.
Pardon the repetition. The chart for USA.TO was posted on Oasis at 21:58 on 24 August 2017.
Today the chart is posted again, to confirm my hunch that this is a good bet to have in one’s portfolio of long-term holds within the PM equity market. I am happy to be a holder of USA.TO. Cheers. Equiz
Does look like you called the $1305 support. I’m stunned – not that you called it – just that there was actually support.
Something is not right with the USD, unable to sustain any rallies.
Even the shares are pretty firm, stilling waiting for the 10% up HUI days that we haven’t seen for years. That will be the confirmation.
If we can just get past tomorrows jobs report.
People have been waiting for this one. Looking hefty!
Multiple High-Grade Gold Intercepts Returned From First Core Holes Ever Drilled at GT Gold’s Saddle South Discovery…
I just wonder what people are going to do for jobs. “33 cents” Yikes
Made In The USA (By Robots): China Opens ‘Sewbot’ Factory In Arkansas, Producing Shirts For 33c
“I trust it even less if the banks are involved.”
LOL yeah that doesn’t give me a warm fuzzy feeling either!
Not too bad a day for the good guys.
December comex gold
looks like the 1300-1305 may hold on the downside. now 20.00 off the low.
This oughta be good for another 1000 Dow points=CAT 4 “Irma’ heading for Florida–possible Texas
That said, longer term models suggest that Irma could make a turn to the northwest towards the middle of next week and head straight for Florida.
Meanwhile, other computer models predict that Hurricane Irma will move through the Gulf of Mexico and make its U.S. landfall in Texas just 2 weeks after Hurricane Harvey devastated the state.
If 6 big banks like blockchains
more proof to dive deeper into physical. If Blythe Masters likes blockchain technology (she does), run like hell and load the truck in phiz because this witch hates anything honest.