No offence to you goldilocks, I like you. But I can’t believe I read that whole stupid thing, looking for a one piece of valuable info. The author knows nothing about what happened how or when. Just a whole list of symptoms or results of what already happened. For example.
Part: “Our country is a powder keg waiting for a spark, the immigration solutions are sparks. So is our debt. Spending for entitlements is creating financial disaster for our future, just try fixing it.”
Comment: Old news this already happened in 2008.
Part: “They dont have job skills and if they were employable we have no jobs to teach them. Our workforce cannot absorb them.”
Comment: Nobody need job skills in the USA to raise a wife and 5 kids in the 1950s
“Can you honestly tell yourself we can drastically reduce entitlements,”
Comment: Most of the entitlements I see are foreign aid, space and defense, big pharma, retail foreign autos and real estate sales with low rates. etc
Part: “If we are to avoid cultural and financial disaster the solutions must come quickly or we pass a point of no return we could not recover from.”
Comment: Geez, we already have cultural and financial disaster. The person that wrote that is an idiot. No mention of globalization, currency manipulation, trade and budget deficits.
Obviously the author thinks the USA in an independent nation.