If you have a SS office near you go there and have them make another copy and have it stamped. Also fax it and keep verification.
When I signed up they were just about doubling it or someone told me. You want to take it because you can’t get Obama care which is worthless anyways anymore because they will penalize you for delays.
I think Congress should be forced to take Obama care and Medicare. While your at it see if you can get any wavers on premiums. I do wish there was some supplemental you can get. If you have a kid you can trust maybe now put at least half the house in his or her name. Not all but least half. A quarter in wife and rest to go to her if something happens to you. That way if they go after your house due to medical costs someday they can only get a forth of its value. If you do it at the last few years so I heard it won’t count. I think last 3. Not that your ready to kick up some dirt but will protect family later. I heard horror stories of rotten kids once they signed over the house they lost it or even evicted them and even if the judge thought it was despicable they couldn’t do anything. They should of put a clause under giving them the house they couldn’t sell it get a loan on it while they’re still there or evict them. Some kids decide the parents should be in a retirement home.
Anyways just a thought. Smart for some with divorces and remarried to do because they can insure the kids get their inheritance while insuring the spouce male or female isn’t homeless either but at same time can’t walk away from fiduciary promoses and duties. It’s really amazing how people can change or act when money’s involved. There’s not many that will actually do what they said they would when a person is no longer around. These papers should also be in their hands as they may need proof as well for some they are in sound mind.
Maya 9:11
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