In the early ninety’s I wanted to build a concrete house and I looked into the hemp product. Going so far as the wilds of Humboldt County to check out the only source I could find. Quite interesting. Versions have been around since before the Romans. They called it Isochanvre. https://www.google.com/search?site=&source=hp&q=isochanvre&oq=isochan&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0l2j0i10i30k1l2.1482.6056.0.11139.….0…1.1.64.psy-ab..0.7.845…46j0i131k1j0i46k1j0i10k1.Q0YQkoQlaAI
But at that time, I got nowhere with the hempcrete.
However, during the many twists and turns, I ran into the inventors of StableAire in Laguna Beach. To me, they had a revolutionary game changing product – Lightweight, structural concrete.
Long story, I did build with concrete, but didn’t get to use the StableAire (thanks Bldg. Dept.) Over the years I lost touch with the inventors. The posts today inspired me to check into it.
Thought you might find it interesting. http://cellularconcretetechnologies.com/