Bill Holter’s Commentary
So Jim Rickards says he has seen no proof the gold is gone and seen “proof” the gold IS in Ft. Knox. If this is the case, PLEASE SHOW US THE PROOF! Funny he mentions Eric Sprott in this article. Eric and I met Jim Rickards in London at the GATA conference in August 2011. He was adamant the Treasury would mark gold up to $10,000. I asked him in front of a dozen people if he knew there had not been an audit of the gold since the 1950’s? He tipped his head and said, “Really, I was not aware of that”? I saw his reaction with my own eyes, he had no idea there had been no audit. Afterwards, Eric said to me “if he doesn’t know there has not been an audit since the 1950’s, what else doesn’t he know?”
Let me say this, “if” Mr. Rickards is truly “ex CIA” then I believe he is using their playbook by giving 90% truth with a “hook” in there. The “HOOK” being the gold is there! I also believe “ex CIA” is about as common as “ex mafia”… As for the gold, seeing it has been delivered internationally for over 20 years and demand has exceeded mine+scrap supply during this time period …it had to come from “somewhere”. That “Somewhere” can only be from places where it once existed …Western vaults! Please show us your proof Mr. Rickards!!!