I wish you well Wanka…and all of your fellow island dwellers. Regarding, the destruction, i would suggest St. Croix fared well. Once upon a time, in an earlier age, i knew this island well and the area , smile.
Regardless, the reality, force 4 is very real and can destroy delusional ….”well this looks like a wonderful place to build a beach front wonderland” ..history repeats…no.
I am awaiting the reality to the lands of the coastal wonderlands and endless money spend in south Florida. Earned and “not so much world” of …again just imagine…or think truth.
Rolling along, The playing down the dollar act of control recently…..well ….smile..add up real weather and nobody is was or ever really prepared to face a tax increase to pay for past expenditures..
never mention the digits we will and created ..hum ..created wealth from nothing but debt? …what was that old term??? Qualitative quantitative easing us all into their plan..well old school has shared enough.
Stay sharp and realize…we all never understood the depth of their plan…but it really does not matter anymore..it is here and real.