on those little nasty bugs. Promise I will stick to boiled water, or bottled water. Now as to that no skinny dipping, I cant say I wont.
Ever spent a day out on the ocean fishing, and cleaning those fish so you can pack as many fillets as possible into your cooler? Tends to make one acquire a gunk and smell that only a fisherman can appreciate. Usually take a little dip before heading back in to shore. Mostly so I can put up with myself. Figure if no women folk are within sight, cant be much harm. 🙂
Besides, if you can put up with that mess in Californika ( Lil Mexico), I can make it through a fishing trip. Stay alert and on your toes gal. Maybe those Harp boys can direct Maria or Jose up your ways to help with the forest fires. Lord, if it aint one thing its another.
Take care, Best Farmboy