new thunderchief HalinCA Sep 20, 2017 6:58 AM
My guess is Janet Yellon will leave when her term is up, regardless if The Donald begs her to stay.
She will go down as the last Fed Chairman who was hawkish the whole way through. Ben Bernanke set her up by starting the Taper his last months in office, which she carried through until ending the last Overt QE program, QE III. She has since been singing interest rate hikes, as little and far and few as they’ve been.
Now she starts her grand exit from the Fed, the next Fed Chairman being a financial crisis hatchet man and clean up crew.
She now does her Fed Hawk swan song, the selling off of the fed ballance sheet, before she rides into the sunset, completely un-blaimable for the greatest disaster in western financial history. The Neo keynesian experiment.