I do not know the person called Rebecka Roth; never heard of her before. What I do know is that most of what she disclosed about 911 follows my own thinking and beliefs re 911, but as I said, I have no dog in this fight. On the other hand, I have NEVER heard such BullShit as what we all are being told as the official story of 911. IMO a person would have to be an idiot to believe it, and Rebecka Roth does an excellent job of exposing many of those official lies. Was she an flight attendant? Who knows, and as far as her saying she was one for 30 years, perhaps she exaggerated to length of time. Many people, including myself, lose track of what year some event happend, unless that event was very traumatic and/or identified like 911.
And a final thought: How do you/we know the MC on the video you suggested and I just watched was not presented by a couple of Trolls sent to discredit Rebecka Roth’s video which exposes so many of the official story lies?? Just saying!! All the best from Silverngold.