Just because it is happening from within does not mean the American people are responsible for it, the same as they are not responsible for Black Lives Matter causing division, and the MSM lying through their teeth to further divide the people. It is obvious that America is systematically being destroyed from within, but by forces outside the interests of the American people. When you have a bought and paid for corrupt Congress who shows no interest in helping Trump clean up the swamp or protect Americas borders, or rebuild Americas infrastructure, and you have the UN headquartered within the USA who has infiltrated every country of the world, and instead of uniting them is doing the opposite and should be called the DN (Divided Nations) for requiring and insisting all nations take in their quota of Muslim refugees rather than keeping them in place to repair their own countries, it becomes quite clear what the agenda really is. My question is and always has been, who is actually orchestrating this world chaos? Who has put these powerful organizations in place? and how have they achieved so much power to destroy humanity and this beautiful planet in such a short time?
My conclusion is: WELCOME TO THE END TIMES!!