The Government is so corrupt ,its been stealing the publics money for years …..any Government money is going to be wasted if sent there.
Thats the reality,even charity invites corruption just like the Clintons Haiti money that never got to Haiti ..95% of it found its way to the Clinton Foundation .
So those that want to help for Humanity sake will get to look like fools …. The residents who tolerate such corruption now find themselves without friends when a Natural Disaster Strikes and no where to turn except to the MEDIA for sympathy …on Humantarian grounds …Lots of DEAF EARS….So the Media not to let a crisis go to waste…blames Trump ..So Anderson Cooper opportunist at Large spends days there interviewing destitute people who condoned Civic theft of Federal Governmnent assistance Money that for YEARS supported Puerto Rico wasted on Pensions and FAT Salarys for Government employees ….NOW find themselves destitute…Who wants to send assistance to Cuba,Venezuela,now Puerto Rico ..WHO ? Please Stand UP..