Today we have witnessed a very grim day..and all the sheep …all the sheep here, there, and everywhere, Â as well as the old readers, few honestly, still reading here.. are silently wondering???,
What are you thinking or Fail to understand the introductions to mass illusion of the September 11..Again WTC7 ..never …EVER… do buildings free fall on their foot prints in seconds ….never.
to become DUST..plasma..ocean of dust for miles..the energy required?? Silly sheep.
several weeks ago
my comments ..It does not matter anymore. I shared this..
afterwards, a few wonders of life …still writing here, smiled..commented:
“old frosty has lost his way..pessimistic thinking..etc”… very
under knowledgeable comments or something else.
My point this evening..try to understand ..buildings do not free fall, no honorable nation allows “open borders without cause”. I continue this list..a home build in Boston in 1965 is worth millions, it is all good, everyone is equal..laws are no longer necessary.
An  incredible additional point ..lack of reality…just a point …the most ..marvel..
the pentagon hit ..aircraft. Undocumented precision …the very best protected building in the world..
Huge aircraft lands/ hits the building where it is being reconstructed..what a wonder.??how does this ..where are the 1000s of pictures..there must BE!!! .One man killed himself ..nine guns..
Folks …you are all looking up ..down.. when you need to look why?????????????? and the why? ..few dare to comment .. gold and silver..? such a simple and complex know and the marvel…follow..again..the marvel..of the few