From a ZH blog:
Ron_Mexico Seasmoke Oct 4, 2017 5:18 PM
yah, sure, I used to believe that crap about stocks take the stairs up and the elevator down. But now I see that gold takes the handicapped ramp in a walker up and falls down the elevator shaft to go down. Stocks, OTOH, take the jetway to a big shiny jet, then launch into the stratosphere while PMs lie helpless in a pool of dog urine.
The fuckers couldn’t even get 20 dow. Wouldn’t be stunned at another manufactured surge tomorrow, however, because they’ve been blatantly overaggressive the last 2-4 weeks. They tried, paltry paltry volume (not of high importance anymore but always funny). The fuckers know this [fabricated] leg is almost over. They got the propaganda-dow-spy-Record-High headlines to carryover to the news and nightly radiated news drops. Middle Finger Smirk from the truthtellers