The USA can save some gas money. The country is on artificial life support. Low rates and millions of artificially created man hours doing unneeded tasks, work rebuilding bridges, roads, revitalization projects in various towns etc. All at taxpayer expense.
If the US economy goes down all the others go with it. Its time for them to take on more expenses for their own good. Instead of a run on the petrodollar, the real problem was a run on the US taxpaying middle class.
A run on the basic standard wages of the 18-25 year old sector. They have nothing and need to spend money, if they had any. The older crowd has all they need. TPTB concentrated on cheaper than normal materials and labor.
That’s why Gold is always cheaper than it should be. Its in with a class or sector with all metals. Hold the KING down, gold, and you hold all the other metals down. Same as minimum wage. Hold THAT down and all the others are lower. That’s the problem in my view.