Who would rust either of them ? Russia with a one man leadership and China with a secret Communist leadership?
but then we neither trust the US monetary policy driven by Banksters since 1913 and their credit scams using DEBT as currency; any increase in financial activity MUST be accompanied by MORE DEBT and a debt ceiling would be a catastrophe and cause a depression and Trump knows it…
The question is how do we do a reset..wipe out the debt and start over..? Since the money to pay interest was never printed for every person able to pay his interest debt another must default ..IE depression style correction… The only other was is to issue Treasury NOTES again as kennedy tried to do and was murdered,and Johnson quickly reversed that ,but the banksters wont allow the government to compete with them and have two currencies in circulation.. The limits to currency in circulation via debt is because of bank requirements to have 10 % deposits ratio to loans ..either change that and risk runaway inflation or deal with continuous bouts of deflation and yearly mini depressions .until we reduce our Labor costs and compete with cheap labor elsewhere.Thats a non starter …! In the meantime bring back hidden corporate money to stimulate demand and stop taxing it so it can come back which will be inflationary depending on what restrictions are put on its use…
Do Corporations trust Politicians enough to bring it back ? An alternative is to encourage BIT COIN activity outside the normal Government control to create a shadow economy to keep things going without the TAXES that cripples economic activity. I thing bit Coin is here to stay …in any case….
I think Russia knows it and has hired fellow Russian Buterin to ease Russia into bit coin also .Bit Coin is the only solution to Russian -China -Bankster ruiness competition .None of them can be trusted so that leaves BIT COIN peer to peer economy as the solution….. or a combination Bit Coin Gold to add some credibility to bit Coin.