After we kicked Sears out we moved up in Price Range to Department Stores ..We had 150 employees ,so keeping the Factory supplied with work was always a challange in a seasonal business .in 1962 we took on a Sales Man as a Partner .He was a Super Sales guy ..We had all the Best stores,Macys..our biggest customer..Burdines(Miami),Lovemans,Filenes (Boston)Magnums(California) ..Every big Dept Store wanted our products…WE made nothing but money for 6-7 years ..I ran production 6 days a week 12 hours a day to keep up ..WE paid overtime to everybody that wanted it got it. We made tennis Dresses ,Smock Dresses,Blouses,Corduroy pants ..all for KIDS ..My production was 36,000 garments a WEEK ! The engineered recession in 1969 killed it;…..all.
The Stock Market decline for 4 YEARS 1974-5 bottom around 700 for the DOW.. My dad decided to retire,His Partner the Sales GUY Retired ,My uncle stay in for a few years more and I moved on from a fast FOOD business in Virginia .Where Government imports didnt effect me .
The Kennedy years were great ,good policy especially the investment tax credit ..It encouraged buying new equipment and I did ..I was spending $50,000 a year buying new equipment to increase production. Then the Gubberment decided this country didnt want those kind of jobs and traded them away to Japan & China in exchange for Banking entrance into their countries ..In effect my Government sold me out to the Banking interests .The trade was lots of manufacturing jobs in exchange for a few banking and Insurance jobs ..That how we got where we are today !