Not saying that they couldn’t use a weapon to start a fire but people witnessed a man starting fires and nothing was said about it. Why, because he was identified as Hispanic. Finally after enough calls from witnesses they caught the man or one of them AFTER so much damage was done and 40 people killed and no telling how many both domestic and wildlife. They probably didn’t want it getting out as a self proclaimed sanctuary state he was a illegal on a hold list with immigration they are ordered to ignore.
Something else might be going on besides Barium, etc all being dropped on us. My Spanish is real rusty now after leaving LA so many years ago but watched a documentary in Spanish themed making war on the people. In Columbia they are spraying the fields ” from the air” with glycophosphate! It’s poinioning the people and children with horrific rashes and sores all over their body. The reason is so called war on drugs to kill the cocoa plants and in the process killing people foliage and affecting all wildlife. With the dying of bees and insects who knows what they’re spraying here. One guy said tobacco is killing more people than coke so how would we like it if they flew over here spraying the cancer causing chemicals on us? They probably would if they made it illegal. Anyways point is who knows what they’re dropping on us anymore, maybe more than we know.