My God did they ask all those questions. I went on that exchange when I started working for myself and it was a joke with the deductibles but didn’t get all those questions. I just put in a amount I was to warn pulling a little more didn’t worry about mentioning stocks wasn’t trading then but if I did I would of dealt with it then. Stocks shouldn’t count as earned income anyways and you can’t PREDICT what your going to make or possibly lose anyways. In Calif that’s what they do. When I hit 65 last year you have to sign up for Medicare and pay them until you draw SS which I haven’t yet.
Yeah at 66 now you can so called make as much as you want but they’ll get you in taxes. They’ll effectively take it back up to 85% will be hit and taxed over a certain amount which isn’t very much compared to Calif prices anyways. It’s your money but treat it like a entitlement.
I feel sorry for those who have to go on these exchange or even have to cover family on jobs anymore. This mandatory is driving prices sky high. Corporate medical is always up to no good to make money off medicine. I’ve seen so many brain dead even criminal BS through the years. Forming into groups who shoddy care like they’re doing again in cities, hiring under educated techs so save on nursing care costs, corp telling doctors not to or make it hard to get referrals and why I got a PPO supplemental cuz I don’t need referrals seeing what’s going on, which was killing people or harming them because they had to wait when they needed immediate help i.e. Possible Detached retina from injury, cancer, heart, lungs whatever. We’re going in this direction again.
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