alleged test is getting strange. Ham radio operators in Hawaii had a periodic SET… simulated emergency test… a few weeks back. The ham regional coordinators for the ARRL (American Radio Relay League) were NOT notified of the upcoming ‘grid test’, but it is published on the ARRL website. Current consensus here is that it is a test for the Mainland USA that does not include us here in Hawaii, because we already had a similar test a couple weeks ago.
But word had spread among the rumor mill here about a ‘solar flare emergency’ that is beginning to freak people out. A DOD contractor friend (computers & networks engr) working overseas got wind of it and is telling his wife here to ‘stock up’ on canned goods. He seems to think it will ‘go real’. No word about it being just a ‘test’ exercise for communications.
But by-and-large the population here is ignorant and subject to intense rumor-mill excitement. I remember years ago we were subject to a rumor that there would be a 9-magnitude earthquake at 8pm on a Friday. The phone-rumor mill went into overload here because the info was alleged to come from someone who knew someone at State Civil Defense. That evening the State Civil Defense activated the local Emergency Broadcast System here to deny the information because it was causing local panic. None of the population seemed smart enough to know that earthquakes CANNOT be forecast with such magnitude and exact timing in advance.
So we wait…. As I check the solar charts for radio propagation, I see there have been NO major flares, and there are NO sunspots showing on the sun that could cause a flare in the predicted timeframe, so the ‘threat’ is not real. IF something happens, it will be a false flag for sure.