rent a truck to an obvious deranged Muslim ..just say NO ! Every Muslim entering this country must swear support to the Constitution and the separation of Church and State and denounce Sharia Law as it violates OUR Constitution.The hell with their Sharia Laws.Who Cares ? Why should we care about their Sharia LAW . Send that Bastard to Guantanamo with NO religious special Treatment .That will be his punishment .NO special food ,NO time for Prayer..who CARES ? If I committed MASS MURDER ,no one would give me special Food ,time to pray 5 times a day..Give him what the CUBANS HAVE …..nothing,we dont treat then special ..damm communists.
No one gave me a warm place to sleep from 1940 to 1948 ..I lived in NJ in a Cold water Flat with my 5 siblings No central heat for the first ten years of my life ..War time Rationing of Food ,Sugar,Coffee ,Bacon ….A single kitchen iron stove that had a Kerosine internal wick heater That I had to carry a 5 gallon can up to the third floor before I went to school every day …it weighed more than I did..I woke up on days it snowed with a pile of snow next to my bed because the windows didnt close tight.. and this Murderer gets gets 3 meals a day fitted to his religious beliefs Dont expect any sympathy from ME ! Any US politician that caves in to his demands needs to be tarred and Feathered…and thrown in a blanket…