OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Draining the Swamp

Posted by Buygold @ 10:13 on November 5, 2017  

NY Fed President Bill Dudley Retiring

Late on Saturday evening, CNBC’s Steve Liesman reported that Fed vice chairman Bill Dudley, a former Goldman managing director and chief economist, not to mention a key figure in “the unprecedented government response to the financial crisis”, is expected to announce his retirement as soon as next week


Posted by Buygold @ 10:07 on November 5, 2017  

yeah, maybe this is a big deal or maybe it’s a nothingburger. 🙂

It does seem to me that the folks being purged are those with close ties to the U.S.

The ballistic missile is particularly interesting because I read on another thread that they had a range of 500 KM where Yemen’s border is 850 KM – I have no idea if that’s true or not but I seriously doubt Yemen has ballistic missiles or they’d already have used them in the war, right? So that means that the missile was either fired from within Saudi Arabia or it was fired by someone else trying to start a coup?

Maybe Putin identified to Bin Salman that the CIA and those within the House of Saud were about to start a coup and he beat them to the punch?

Really think oil will tell the story in the coming days, it has been pretty strong above $50

The other thing I noticed is that FOX news has said nothing about this story, sure it’s on Drudge, Breitbart, ZH but I’d think this would be a pretty big story for the MSM. Not a peep. Odd to me.

As for Brazille – ZH has a story that said she feared for her life after Seth Rich’s murder? To me that’s a bombshell. Is she really saying that she feared the Clinton’s and that she knew he was murdered? Wow.

I read on a FB forum that one Bitcoin exchange

Posted by eeos @ 9:29 on November 5, 2017  

consumes as much power as an american house does in a week. Doesn’t sound sustainable


Posted by ipso facto @ 9:20 on November 5, 2017  

“in effect monetizes the whole country in NY subject to NY Regulations .and Dollarizes Saudi Arabia oil for ever …Saudi Oil will no longer be sold in Dollars as a choice but will be managed from NY.”

I have to disagree. Aramco is still going to be majority Saudi gov owned. They can still sell their oil to whoever they want. Just because they IPOed on the NYSE doesn’t give the NYSE power over their business decisions, only how their stock is bought and sold. Oil for Yuan is coming soon.

The companies and people who buy into the Aramco deal won’t even give a fig how the oil is sold. They just want to make money and most aren’t too concerned how it affects the USA. Many will be the oligarchs and identify with money not with nationality.

Buygold @ 7:54

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:05 on November 5, 2017  

I think you’re right BG. This wasn’t some assault on corruption but a consolidating of power … and since so many powerful men were taken down it’s likely that their faction won’t take this lying down. “Black Swan” Sure could be! Wish I had me a functioning crystal ball! 🙂

How do you like what Donna Brazille is saying. I think it’s friggin great! You kick a dog often enough and some time it’s going to turn around and bite you!


Ororeef–interesting charts-especially the July bottom one for silver-thanks

Posted by Richard640 @ 8:50 on November 5, 2017  


Posted by Buygold @ 8:38 on November 5, 2017  

That’s a good point about Aramco and NY.

A lot of crosscurrents in the House of Saud these days.

This wasn’t on the Agenda was it?

Posted by Buygold @ 8:27 on November 5, 2017  

Donald Trump Expects to Meet With Vladimir Putin During Asian Tour

U.S. president’s first official trip to Asia to begin with meetings in Japan with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe


The IPO of Aramco on the NYSE

Posted by Ororeef @ 8:21 on November 5, 2017  

in effect monetizes the whole country in NY subject to NY Regulations  .and Dollarizes Saudi Arabia oil for ever …Saudi Oil will no longer be sold in Dollars as a choice but will be managed from NY.

Morning Ipso

Posted by Buygold @ 7:54 on November 5, 2017  

That Saudi news is a stunner. Something tells me there’s a lot more to that story than meets the eye, not just corruption and money laundering.

As the article mentions, the move smells more like a prevention of a coup by those that are friendly to the U.S.

Recall the recent meeting of Bin Salman and Putin. Recall that the Saudi’s just intercepted a ballistic missile supposedly shot at Riyadh from Yemen?

I suspect we find out a lot more about this in the next few days. This could certainly be one of those black swans that comes out of nowhere, time to really watch oil. This could be huge and the beginning of the end of the petrodollar.

Then again, it could be cause for a 1000 pt. rally in the DOW. 🙂

From the mouths of Babes ! HeHe

Posted by Ororeef @ 1:55 on November 5, 2017  

A young Arab boy asks his father “What is that strange hat you are wearing?”

The father said: “Why, my son, it is a ‘chechia.’ In the desert it protects our heads from the intense heat of the sun.”

“And what is the long flowing robe you are wearing?” asked the boy.

“Oh, my son!” exclaimed the father “It is very simple. This is a ‘djbellah.’ As I have told you, in the desert it is not only very hot, but the sand is always blowing. My djbellah protects the entire body,” The son then asked: “But Father, what about those ugly shoes you have on your feet?”

“These are ‘babouches’ my son,” the father replied. You must understand that although the desert sands are very beautiful, they are also extremely hot. These babouches’ keep us from burning our feet.”

“So tell me then,” added the boy.

“Yes, my son…”

“Why are you living in Minnesota and still wearing all this shit?

There are no secrets in DC

Posted by Ororeef @ 1:49 on November 5, 2017  

Unconfirmed reports are coming into me from my contacts in federal law enforcement claiming that Tony Podesta has surrendered to federal authorities and is presently in the custody of US Marshals.  Tony Podesta runs the Podesta Group, a major lobbying/PR firm in Washington, DC, and is the brother of former Hillary Clinton Campaign Chairman, John Podesta.

The claims further say – also as yet unconfirmed – that Podesta’s surrender was conditioned upon a MEDIA BLACKOUT by the government and that Podesta’s attorney(s) are allegedly working to try to keep the Indictment against him SEALED.

These are, as yet, UNCONFIRMED reports, but the sources have proved to be completely accurate and reliable numerous times in the past.



MORE . . . my sources tell me:


Podesta is in US Marshal Custody as of 11/04/17 (Sat) at 08:53

Terms of surrender was media blackout.

Podesta’s lawyers are pleading Mueller for indictment to remain sealed.
No leaks by MSM because of loyalty to Podesta/Clinton I presume . . . . because Mueller team can’t keep their mouths shut with anyone relating to Trump.


Dow watch February for reversal Signals ..its a Key month for the Dow

Posted by Ororeef @ 1:31 on November 5, 2017  


Hollywood ..Hollywood…..

Posted by Ororeef @ 1:28 on November 5, 2017  

Corey Feldman Names Some of his Alleged Abusers

Nov 4, 2017 Source: pagesix.com

Corey Feldman has finally named a few of the men he claims abused him as a child star.

The ’80s child actor, who has alleged he and Corey Haim suffered abuse at the hands of a Hollywood pedophile ring for years, appeared on “Dr. Oz” on Thursday, naming a bit actor and his former assistant Jon Grissom, before calling the LAPD’s Elite Special Assault Section.

“This guy on his Myspace page and his Facebook page has got pictures of me and Corey Haim,” Feldman said of Grissom, who now allegedly lives in Mexico. “He still taunts it and flaunts it.”

Grissom appeared as a valet in 1988’s “License to Drive,” and 1989’s “Dream a Little Dream,” as a P.E. coach. Grissom reportedly previously wrote in a YouTube comment, “I said it’s not me I’m sick and tired of saying that when no one listens. So goddamnit I’m not repeating it anymore.”

But Dr. Oz on Thursday posted a video claiming his legal team has uncovered that Grissom has an extensive record and went to jail for child molestation.

A Dr. Oz lawyer says on the clip about Grissom’s record, “Everything from assault, theft, drugs … in 2001 he was arrested on child molestation charges … he was found guilty in 2003 and served time in prison.” They also believe he is in the Unites States.

Feldman detailed his relationship with a predator in his 2014 book “Coreyography,” under the pseudonym Ron Crimson, which he said is a name similar to his abuser’s.

He wrote, “I had taken some pills, some concoction that Ron had made up … Ron came over and sat down next to me, a triple-X magazine in his hands … Ron started touching me, reaching across my thigh to the crotch of my pants … When I woke up, he was on me, touching me, tugging on the zipper of my pants. I realized it was happening again.”

And, “Under Ron’s tutelage, my drug use has progressed quickly. I’m doing coke constantly, with Ron … Ron is pushing me to try crack … I wake up. Ron is at me, tugging on my pants.”

On Monday on Megyn Kelly, Feldman also named child talent manager and convicted sex offender Marty Weiss, who has not commented on the allegations.

Reps for Weiss could not be identified.

Tweet Tweet

Posted by Ororeef @ 1:19 on November 5, 2017  


Famous words that come back to bite you in the ASS

Posted by Ororeef @ 1:13 on November 5, 2017  
  • HILLARY TO DONNA BRAZILE: “I’m so sick of your face. You stare at the wall like a brain dead buffalo, while letting that f – – – ing Lauer get away with this. What are you good for, really? Get the f – – – to work janitoring this mess – do I make myself clear?”
  • “If that f – – – ing bastard wins, we all hang from nooses! Lauer’s finished…and if I lose it’s all on your heads for screwing this up.”
  • “Hillary proceeded to pick up a full glass of water and throw it at the face of her assistant, and the screaming started.”

The odds are 50-50 Either  either Brazile gets suicided or Hillary goes to Jail ….


Signals watch July ! when its doing the opposite of whats expected ..its going to reverse…

Posted by Ororeef @ 0:56 on November 5, 2017  


It’s lonely at the top

Posted by Richard640 @ 0:49 on November 5, 2017  

It’s Lonely At The Top

An Idiocracy is a society that can be conned over and over again by the exact same psychopaths, each time expecting a different result…

What we have is 1987 bullish sentiment. Y2K Tech risk. 2008 deflation risk. 2008 retail implosion. 2011 Fed rolloff risk. 2014 EM risk. 2015 rate rise risk. All bundled together with an unprecedented volatility hair trigger. 

Remember two years ago? It was a crisis on Wall Street:

Well, there’s good news:

Any questions?

I fully understand why young people ~20-somethings are chasing BitCasino and otherwise throwing their money away at the top. I did it back in Y2K, and it was a lot of fun, right up until it wasn’t. However, Baby Boomers and the Gen-X zombies have no f-ing excuse whatsoever. They have amply proven that they can be conned over and over again, like a f-ing ATM machine for Wall Street…

aufever-I guess–like anything else–u should have a mental stop loss–plus factor in the remaining time

Posted by Richard640 @ 0:38 on November 5, 2017  

Whoa! Guys! Be careful with the SLV options-

Posted by Richard640 @ 0:33 on November 5, 2017  

This is not a high confidence trade for me-I just have no exposure to anything…and these options seem like the most reasonably priced hedges available…IF one wants to hold some PM position. Good luck to all and DYOD

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.